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Import Text file and filter data as per date


New Member
I have a text file with huge data saved in folder. I need to import that text file into excel and I need to filter only latest 3 months (current month and previous two months).
I have done record macro and made some changes in December. In this month, again I need to make changes like changing the month December as March. Every month I can't make changes. Can any one please help me how to fix these months without changing again and again.

Since the macro code is huge, i am not able to enter here. Please find two files in below link.

Awaiting for your reply.

As an import text file VBA procedure needs few codelines, create at least a smaller sample text file to import​
- use for example Notepad++ to 'cut' the original text file -​
and according to this new sample text file create the expected result workbook, attach both files here …​
Hi Marc, The vba code for importing (Exclusion text file) is available in another text file. since the code is huge, i uploaded it in text format.
So in this case just activate the Macro Recorder and operate manually to filter the data to delete :​
you will get your own code base to amend your original VBA procedure …​
YEah., I did using macro recorder. And it is working fine.. But the problem is I need to change name of month manually every month. Because I need to extract data only for 3 months. Jan, Feb and March. Next month I need only for Feb, March and April. and so on..
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Without any crystal clear elaboration maybe :​
Sub Demo00()
    MsgBox Format(Date, "mmmm")
    MsgBox Format(DateAdd("m", -2, Date), "mmmm")
End Sub
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