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I'm trying to create multiple choice questions


New Member
I have created a survey using Excel 2010, but can't sort out how to create multiple choice answers to the questions I'm asking. What happens is when you select an answer to question 1, and then move on to select an answer in question 2, the answer in question one is deselected. I'm certain there's a way to do this, but can't sort out how. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh, if it matters, I'm using radio buttons for the multiple choice, and I'm a basic Excel user, not very technical. Thank you!

Welcome to the forum.

Option button select only one option at a time, It auto deselect the previous one after hitting next one.
To be specific : Pls share the sample workbook.
I've uploaded the file that I'm trying to work on.
There needs to be a way for this to be completed electronically and printed. If you click an answer bubble in one question, when you click an answer bubble in another question, the first answer disappears. They need to all stay so you can just click through, type comments, and then send electronically by email or print.


  • Copy of Procurement Lesson Learn Survey v01 (2).xlsx
    95.6 KB · Views: 3
Thank you for your response, Deepak. What do I do with what you sent? I opened it and it looks completely blank. Do I cut and paste the contents of my current document into the one you sent?
DawnM, I have had this issue before. The solution is GROUPING. Please see the attached (corrected version of your document).


  • Procurement Lesson Learn Survey v01 grouping.xlsx
    83.8 KB · Views: 3
Thank you so much, Tyler D. Would you be so kind as to send me the steps you went through to make this work? I had a thought that it was grouping, but couldn't figure out how to do it correctly.
Go to Developer Tab > Insert > Group Box
Set the size to your requirement

No go back to Developer Tab > Insert > Option Button
Insert option button inside the Group Box, insert as many as you need.
once your Group box is complete.
Select the group box and all the option buttons (using ctrl key)
Now start copy / paste

Hi @DawnM,

Why don't you try Google Forms, you can create the forms in simple steps and you get your data in spreadsheets? Just a suggestion.
Thank you, Khalid and Faseeh for your kind responses and suggestions. I appreciate your assistance.