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Ignore #NA while extracting date

Chintan Trivedi

New Member
I have the data table as follow:


1 Dates 31-Jan-2013, 30-Jan-2013, 29-Jan-2013,

2 A 200, 220.5, 0,

3 B #NA, 0, 20,

4 C 354, 365, #NA,

I am using the formula:

=Max(index((B2:D2>0)*$B$1:#D1$1,0)) for A and like that for others

I want to extract the date for the first available data which is more than "0".

I am not getting the date for "B" and "C" as there is "#NA"

How I can ignore the "#NA" Without using array formula as my formula is also non-array

I have shared the document http://speedy.sh/VmPy4/Chintan-Trivedi.xlsx
Hi Trivedi ,

Your #NA is not really #N/A , which is an Excel error value ; the way you have entered it , it is just a text string.

If it is really the Excel error value , then you can use the following non-array formula :


which will return the date corresponding to the first non-zero value.

Copied from : http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/30452-finding-first-instance-non-zero.html
