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IFERROR function


New Member
Dear sifu,

I'm using "IFERROR" function in Excel 2010 and save as .xlsx file.

Example : =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(H1,Sheet1!$C$1:$E$100,2,FALSE)," ")

When I open with excel 2007 and 2003, the cell with this formula will return as #NAME.

Is "IFERROR" function not available in excel 2007 & 2003?

Thank you.
Hi lee1767

Iferror() is available in 2007 so should not give Name Error. However It was not available in Excel 2003.


Hi, lee1767!

Consider replacing 2007/2010 IFERROR formula construction by this all versions compatible one:

=IF(ISERROR(condition)," ",value)

Hi, SirJB7

I was trying the formula as you suggested, but I just can't get it right.

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(H1,Sheet1!$C$1:$E$100,2,FALSE)," ",VALUE)

Is this formula correct?

Please help....

Thank you.
Hi ,

When SirJB7 wrote :

=IF(ISERROR(condition)," ",value)

he meant that if the condition test does not return an error , you need to repeat it. So , according to your example , the formula will be :

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(H1,Sheet1!$C$1:$E$100,2,FALSE)," ",VLOOKUP(H1,Sheet1!$C$1:$E$100,2,FALSE))

Hi, lee1767!

Sorry for the assumptions, I should have stated it more clearly as NARAYANK991 did.

Hope it works for you.




Thanks for the backup, been on the street whole day.

Dear Sifu,

I had tried the formula as mentioned by NARAYANK991.

When I key in the formula and enter, Excel prompt up the message as below :

"You've entered too many arguments for this function."

"To get help with this function, click OK to close this message. Then click the Insert Function button located to the left of the equal sign in your formula."

Please help......
1 bracket missing to close the ISERROR() function. Should be:

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(H1,Sheet1!$C$1:$E$100,2,FALSE))," ",VLOOKUP(H1,Sheet1!$C$1:$E$100,2,FALSE))