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If Statements (I think) and data validation. Choosing one of 5 lists.


New Member
I have searched for this answer here and on the web and have found similar examples, but nothing that is a solution to this situation. (I'll try to attach a sample, but I don't see how right now).

I have sales volume in column B and in Column C I want a drop down menu to choose from one of 5 lists. Which of those lists is determined by sales volume.

In column F, I have a list A,B,C,D for vol greater than 350k

In column G, I have a list E,F,G,H for vol between 150k and 350k

In column H, I have a list I,J,K for vol between 75k and 150k

In column I, I have a list L,M,N for vol between 40k and 75k

In column J, I have a list O,P for vol under 40k

So in column C, I need to determine where the volume is in the stated ranges and then provide the appropriate drop down box.

I have seen using IF statements in the source box, but for only two lists. I cannot seem to make that work for 5 lists choices. Is that how to do and I am doing something wrong? Or is there a better way.

Thanks all!
Hi ,

Check out the uploaded workbook :


I have made a change to your layout , and added 2 helper columns.

Thanks Narayan. However, I cannot see your solution. I may not be viewing Google docs properly as I've only used it once or twice before. I see the two helper columns. I understand the first and what it does. Not sure about the second. And I don't see anything in the drop down column. No formulas are available to me.
Hi ,

You will have to download the file , and then check it out in Excel.

The drop-downs column has exactly that viz. the drop-downs. Go to E5 downwards , and check the drop-down in each cell.

I see now, Narayan. I didn't know of the download option.

So, it appears to solve my problem and work the way I want it to. Looks great! I'll take a closer look in the morning. It's bedtime for me. I really do want to understand - at least a little - what the formulas are doing for me.
Narayan (or anyone else) - Any cahcne you can go through columns C, D, and E and explain what each formula is really doing. These are things I have very little experience with. Most of the help I can find online is related to different examples. I'd like to understand so I can use this in he future.

Hi ,

Check out the document here :


Please let me know if you find any mistakes or if you find anything not well explained.

Wow. Narayan, you rock. That was a great explanation. I think I understand it all, although I'll need to review it again in more detail to be sure it sinks in.

In any event, in case it wasn't obvious, this problem is solved. I applied your sample to my sheet - and to another sample one - and it works great.

Now I think I have some foundation for understanding this. Thanks for the time and the thorough explanation!