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If I take Chandoo's VBA Course...


Will I be able to write code when I am done with the Chandoo course? I've read an entire VBA training book but I have to still write code. I guess its like learning how to swim without water.

You may think you know everything about swimming then you actually get in the water and your like ok... I think I know what to do.

Is the best way to start to just trying writing code and getting in the groove? It seems like there are just so many syntax's and different things vs. doing normal formulas and stuff in excel. Help guys please! I really want to learn VBA. It is so powerful.
I've found that the best way to learn how to write VBA is to have a problem to solve. What will you write without a problem? Nothing. VBA is there to help you solve a problem or automate a repetitive task.

If you don't have a problem to solve or a task to automate, you will have a tough time writing code. I haven't taken Chandoos course so I cannot comment on how robust or informative it is. I learned by taking a course on Lynda.com which my company has a subscription to and applying that base information to an excel problem I needed to solve.

I learned (am learning) it by writing out what I want my VBA program to do. Then I write pseudocode to help with the logic and structure of it. Then I write my VBA code. And by write it, I google how to do certain things and modify them to suit my needs - for instance, I googled 'how to create a new tab using vba'. I use the intellisense to help me choose which functions/attribute I might want to use. I test my code after almost every change to see where it works and where it breaks.

Have fun with VBA.

VBA Books are mostly a dictionary of how the commands work

As Phuzzy said, solving problems is the only way to learn

and Here, Chandoo.org is a great place to find problems that need solutions.

Watch the forums and look for problems that are simple and try and solve them with VBA, even if they have a formula solution

There are lots of posts in the main site that have VBA solutions, read them and pull the models apart, step through them one by one.

Ask questions, here at Chandoo.org preferably

All of a sudden one day it will go Bing!

But most of all, Have fun...
Hi Montery... As Hui & Phuzzy said solving problems is the best way to learn. I too learned VBA like that.

But learning thru problem solving alone might cripple you in certain areas,

- you may not know the fundamental concepts (loops, variables etc.)

- you may not know faster, better way to solve problems.

- you may not be able to create a complex solution involving lots of things

- you may not be able to build generic solutions as problems you are exposed could be specific.

And this is where a course like ours shines. We teach in a step-by-step methodology to help you learn various basics first and then eventually create your own applications & write code comfortably.

If you follow the course methodology, practice the lessons & do your homework, I can assure you that you will be writing your own VBA code in 6-8 weeks time.

If you want to join us, please visit http://chandoo.org/wp/vba-classes/

PS: Use the forum member discount code SUMPRODUCTIF to claim 10% discount on course fees.