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if condition formula error


Hi excel experts,

i receive "true" when i input if condition. Kindly rectify where the exact error is.
Actually 1000 is common in "column F" of the cell.



  • test1.xlsx
    9.1 KB · Views: 7

You have this;


D3 will Always equal D3 so this serves no purpose.

Maybe you mean this;


Not sure.

further to the above formula i have the following queries:

clmn D clmnE clmnF
no.ofyrs amt prop. amt
5 800 1250

for 1 yr of service 50 inccrase
1000 is the base
now if a person draws 800, should get 5*50=250 plus 800 which amounts to 1150
and also if a person draws 1100,
being base as 1000,
he is eligible for 5*50=250 plus 1000, which amounts to1250. Here, it should not take 1100 amount for calculation.
I am still no clearer. In your file what one would expect is some answers hard coded and maybe 5 examples. This should be your standard every time you ask a question (upload a file with raw data and a solution after the process is complete).

Take care

Hi Ganesh ,

Two points about your last post :

1. If we take 1000 as the base , then irrespective of the salary , 1000 + 5 * 50 will be 1250. You say when a person's salary is 800 , we need to take 1000 as the base ; you also say when a person's salary is 1100 , we should still take 1000 and not 1100. Is this correct ?

2. You say 250 + 800 = 1150 , which is not correct ; it is 1050. Is this correct ?

Do you mean that if the salary exceeds 1000 , we should take 1000 as the limit , and if the salary is less than 1000 , we take the actual salary ?

At first i was wrong, then rectified the formula. The sheet is working with the below formula


Won't that formula always give you the same result? Logically E3's value can be less than or equal to 1000 or Greater than 1000. With the formula above both sides of the ledger will give you an answer of 1000 + D3 * 50 (multiplication comes first so no brackets required above. So your answer will always be 1250.

Test it by putting some extreme values in D3. Put 0, now put 500,000. Answer is the same isn't it?

Anways it is late down under I am off.
