I think this web site is amazing. I work with Stats, VBA programs, Automation in my work and when I am unable to gain a solution I have found every time you guys know the answer and give your time and energy to help guide me and/or do the programs for me.
I was looking at the web site and was thinking (I analysis and provide solution for companies) and I was thinking about a flag system on the questions.
1. Open - On going
2. Closed
3. Solution provided
A flag colour next to a question would show if it is open or closed also if a solution is found. Just an idea.... solution then could be placed in a location of a vault or library of solution for excel members.
All Solutions would be found in a location for people to search. titles could be edited to reflex the final solution.
Kind Regards
Hope this helps as then people can search for a solution.
p.s do you have a vba program that can do this... only joking. you guys are amazing and I think anyone who wants to learn VBA should learn from the best, Chandoo, Luke, SirJB and not forgetting Hui
Many thanks once again.
I think this web site is amazing. I work with Stats, VBA programs, Automation in my work and when I am unable to gain a solution I have found every time you guys know the answer and give your time and energy to help guide me and/or do the programs for me.
I was looking at the web site and was thinking (I analysis and provide solution for companies) and I was thinking about a flag system on the questions.
1. Open - On going
2. Closed
3. Solution provided
A flag colour next to a question would show if it is open or closed also if a solution is found. Just an idea.... solution then could be placed in a location of a vault or library of solution for excel members.
All Solutions would be found in a location for people to search. titles could be edited to reflex the final solution.
Kind Regards
Hope this helps as then people can search for a solution.
p.s do you have a vba program that can do this... only joking. you guys are amazing and I think anyone who wants to learn VBA should learn from the best, Chandoo, Luke, SirJB and not forgetting Hui
Many thanks once again.