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Idea : Chandoo the Excel Ninjas



I think this web site is amazing. I work with Stats, VBA programs, Automation in my work and when I am unable to gain a solution I have found every time you guys know the answer and give your time and energy to help guide me and/or do the programs for me.

I was looking at the web site and was thinking (I analysis and provide solution for companies) and I was thinking about a flag system on the questions.

1. Open - On going

2. Closed

3. Solution provided

A flag colour next to a question would show if it is open or closed also if a solution is found. Just an idea.... solution then could be placed in a location of a vault or library of solution for excel members.

All Solutions would be found in a location for people to search. titles could be edited to reflex the final solution.

Kind Regards


Hope this helps as then people can search for a solution.

p.s do you have a vba program that can do this... only joking. you guys are amazing and I think anyone who wants to learn VBA should learn from the best, Chandoo, Luke, SirJB and not forgetting Hui

Many thanks once again.
Good day ianb

These ideas have been mention before and in a previous conversation I had with Chandoo he said how the software that runs the site is limited in what it can do and that he was looking and other software to update the site. But as he runs a very busy company these things take time.


Yes I understand. it was an ideas to give back to you all for the time and energy you have put in to my work and learning experience. Many Thanks for letting me know the possiable developments of the web site. its a 5 star web site with 5 star people....!!
Nice idea ianb. I think we're limited somewhat because of the current software/system Chandoo.org uses for the forum, as newer technology is not still supporting bbpress. Chandoo has been considering trying to migrate to a newer system, but that would be a massive change (and considerable down time). Till then, we may just be stuck with what we have. But keep the suggestions coming!
Hi Ian ,

The site :


has a simple way to implement your suggestion #3 ; just introduce the text [Solved] in the topic title.

The only requirement is for the OP to include the same text in his / her concluding post , so that any Ninja can then incorporate this in the topic title.

All those who reply to questions can include the following text as their signature , so that all posters are periodically reminded about their obligation :

If you are convinced your problem has been solved by a response from a forum member , please include the text SOLVED in your post
