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I need to update the formula


In Page 1 Index formula is working.

The indexes of line 1-200 and 201-500 are same. So I combined them as 1-500 in Page 2

I need to write the formula to find the indexes in Page 2 similar as Page 1.

Can you help me?


  • sample.xlsm
    27.1 KB · Views: 6
Hi. The formula is not working right.

For example in Zone A 1000 shows Index -10 but the Index should be -7 according to table.
Hi ,

Is this OK ?


I have no idea why the constant 7501 has been used ; you need to decide whether this is to be used or some other figure should be used instead.

Yes Mr. Narayan, it is working good.

Thank you very much.. :)

(Every Zone has its limits. Such as Zone A limit is 7500 but Zone B limit is 10000)
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