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I need help for VLOOKUP follow up question.


New Member
I need help for vlookup, I have a table, column A has names & column B has locations.

The problem is I want to populate latest location for the name, say for example,

Sachin is populated three times in the column A & location is Mumbai Pune Delhi.

I want a formula which will give me the latest location for the Sachin which is Delhi.

I cannot sort the formula & cannot use macro in the file.

Can anyone please help me in this.

column a     column b
sachin       mumbai
sachin       pune
sachin       delhi (is the lateast location)
my follow up qeustion what if i only need is the latest location and no need to post or to display the old location like example below

column a     column b
sachin       n/a
sachin       n/a
sachin       delhi  (is the lateast location)

column a column b
sachin mumbai (old location)
sachin pune   (old location)
sachin delhi (latest location)

my follow up qeustion what if i only need is the latest location and no need to post or to display the old location like example below

this is the out put i want see below
column a column b
sachin n/a  (old location)
sachin n/a   (old location)
sachin delhi (latest location)


Taking the formula from previous thread:


We can put that inside an IF statement to check if we're at the last record:
