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I interrupt my normal excel chatter, with the following message:


Active Member

I know many of the folks here might not be terribly familiar with American football, but it's a HUGE HUGE HUGE deal over here right now, and I thought I'd share.

My beloved Chicago Bears will face their rivals, the Green Bay Packers in a playoff game. This is kind of a big deal, because due to close proximity and the age of the two franchises they've always been huge rivals, secondly the teams haven't played each other in a playoff game since 1941 (seriously), thirdly the winner goes to play in the Superbowl, and finally - Chicagoans love football.

So imagine that your favorite team, is about play their biggest rivals, in what could be credibly argued as one of their biggest games in history. It's pretty exciting.

Here's a short highlight video of Bears star punt returner, wide receiver Devin Hester:


Most of that stuff that you see there, are punt returns which normally don't result in touchdowns. Devin's done it a few times (in fact more than anybody-----ever http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devin_Hester#NFL_records). He is ridiculous.

Are you in Chicago? I'm in Chicago too -- looking for a good MS Excel guy for a quick clean up project. Got free time on your hands?

jvaughn0822 - at - gmail.com
