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How to use SUMIFS to determine all John sales from one reference date?


New Member

I found a lot on adding sales between dates. But i would like to add sales from one date as a reference.

I'm trying to formulate the sum of and extract all "John" sales since a beginning date.

And then separately, sum all of his sales older then 14 days before the beginning date.


This totals John's sales between dates, if F is my Name column and John is J2, column D are my sales, A2 is my beginning date and A3 is my ending date.

But i'm trying to determine sales from just the beginning date.


This is what I've got for John's sales for dates = or greater than the beginning date.


John's sales for dates older than 14 days of the beginning date.

These obviously don't work but the idea of what I'm trying to do.

Any suggestions?

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