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How to use named ranges as a chart data series ?


New Member
Hi there,

I have 12 dynamic named ranges, I want to create a line chart using these named ranges, but I am fail yet, kindly suggest how to insert named range as chart data series.


Assume you are on Sheet1

You Named ranges are called My_X_Series and my_Y_Series

When you go to add a series to a Chart use the following syntax

X Series: =Sheet1!My_X_Series

Y Series: =Sheet1!My_Y_Series

Excel will change the series name to reflect the workbook name, don't worry about that

If your sheet name is 1 or has spaces like "My Sheet"

you need to enclose the sheetname in '


X Series: ='1'!My_X_Series

Y Series: ='My Sheet'!My_Y_Series