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How to unmerge cells and replicate the result in all the (previous) merged cells


New Member

I'm working with several workbooks and they have merged cells in vertical and horizontal ways. I need to un merge those cells and to replicate the text inside the merged cell in all the others cells. How can I do that?

Select cells. Press Alt+e+a+a.

After that.

Select cells. Ctrl+C

then Ctrl+V where you want replicated.
Here's a macro that should do your work faster for you. Finds all merged cells within a worksheet, unmerges, and fills in values.

Sub KillMerges()
Dim c As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xValue As Variant
Set c = FindMergedCells(ActiveSheet.Cells)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Not c Is Nothing Then
For Each xCell In c
xValue = xCell.Value
Selection = xValue
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function FindMergedCells(RangeToSearch As Variant) As Range
Dim MergedCell As Range, FirstAddress As String
If TypeName(RangeToSearch) = "String" Then Set RangeToSearch = Range(RangeToSearch)
Application.FindFormat.MergeCells = True
Set MergedCell = RangeToSearch.Find("", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchFormat:=True)
If Not MergedCell Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = MergedCell.Address
If FindMergedCells Is Nothing Then
Set FindMergedCells = MergedCell
Set FindMergedCells = Union(FindMergedCells, MergedCell)
End If
Set MergedCell = RangeToSearch.Find("", After:=MergedCell, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchFormat:=True)
If MergedCell Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Loop While FirstAddress <> MergedCell.Address And Not MergedCell Is Nothing
End If
End Function
Credit for the function to Rick Rothstein
