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How to solve this?


Product A is listed 3 times on Sheet 1 with 3 different mixes, is that correct ?

same for other products


I got some doubts in your file they are

1. You have a Mix Name from the Column D9:K9 and Product Name Mention in the Column A

2. If One Product has sold all the Mix Name then where it to be mention in the sheet2 because there is only 3 Columns for Mix Name and Mix Qty

3. If One Product is repeated twice then what type of result will be display as like the Hui Sir asked for the Product A

as per my understanding i did a solution for you please download the file from below link and check the Sheet3


if any problem please inform us



hui sir- Product A is sold 3 times in different quantities with different mixes & same may be the case with other products also.

Secondly to answer pattnaik sir --requirement is to display only that mix of which product is made of (not the entire mix need to displayed) & it's respective weight in sheet 2

Thirdly, appearance of product in sheet 2 may be more than no of times product is sold.

For example: Product C in sheet2 has appeared 4 times but it has been sold twice for different quantities in sheet1. So requirement is to update the product qty sold in sheet2 only twice & leave remaining blank.

