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How to search odd and even numbers in multiple worksheet in excel file ?


New Member

I am not a developer but i would seek a help from programmer guru's to assist me.

I have a excel sheet named number.xls within it i have multiple worksheet (sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet100) within this sheet's i have calculated numbers based on repeating numbers now it becomes very hard for me to go through each sheet one by one to find exact odd and even numbers + repeating numbers and i need your help to suggest me how do i calculate (it will search whole excel sheet's to find exact odd/even numbers + repeating numbers)

If above criteria is not clear i would like to give u a call to explain in more detail.

Appreciate your prompt reply.


By "exact odd" I assume you mean whole numbers only, so no integers?

Can you elaborate on "repeating numbers"? Is that a number with repeating decimal, e.g. 1/3 = .333333 or is it two cells with same number.

What do you want to do when you find them? Perhaps you can simply set up some conditional formatting to highlight the odd/even/repeats?