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How to retrieve data incase we have 30 worksheet,


We take a daily reports of bugs raised, resolved, closed and other important details.

Now I want one worksheet where if i select a date , user , then in that case excel will check the data and display.

Suppose our worsheeet anme is jan 01,jan02 and so on.. .And each worsheet ahs user name A, B c and so on with pther datas

Now I will make a drop for this two combinations in 1st worksheet and then want corresponding data for the same
Hi Manish

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Secondly I would question why you need to have a new worksheet every day?

You would be better served with a single table of data and then use appropriate tools/formulas to retrieve reports on a Daily/Weekly or monthly basis

You can use a Combination of the Indirect() function (to reference any of the worksheets according to name) in conjunction with any formula to retrieve data from your worksheets

The easiest way to assist any further is for you to upload a file so we can see what you are trying to achieve, Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook

Everyday we take defect summary(issues which are opne) and this keeps on changing everday. FOr eg one issues which is open today may be closed tomorrow.

So we keep track on each day record