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How to prepare dashboard


Active Member

Please tell me I have Inflow & Outflow Data i want to prepare Dashboard

This Data Update by each Half an Hour so i want to update dashboard so please tell me how to do this


  • Book1.xlsx
    9.2 KB · Views: 12
Thanks Hui

I go through this but my question is i want update the data in each half an Hour & i want to reflect this in Power point so how to reflect & update automatically when i update the data in file then 2nd system this auto update in PPT
Dates are stored in Excel as Integers
1 is 1 Jan 1900
Today 4 April is 42464
Tomorrow will be 42465 etc

Times are stored as Decimals between 0 - Midnight and 1 Midnight
so 6am is 0.25 or 1/4 of a day
12 Noon is 0.5
8pm is 20/24 = 0.8333 etc

So if you want times to be used you will need to group them by (1/2) / 24 hours
or 0.02083333

If you copy a chart from Excel and Paste it in PowerPoint, it will update as teh Excel file changes if both files are open

Attaching a sample file with what you require is the best way to geta more specific answer
Hi Hui

I try to do this Chart But Data is huge so i am not able to do in this chart so i take only few data & in next sheet all data kept so please tell me how to prepare dashboard & update automatic when update in excel file


  • Dashboard.xls
    41 KB · Views: 21
Please tell me in PPT how to reflect changes in Chart when excel is change values

My Excel data is one system & PPT Open in 2nd System so i need automatically update the changes

I found Refresh Slide show Code but please tell me how to refresh data automatically
Sub RefreshSlide()

        Dim lSlideIndex As Long

        lSlideIndex = SlideShowWindows(1).View.CurrentShowPosition

        SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide lSlideIndex

        End Sub