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How to minimize the Large excel size


Hi Everybody,

I would like to share a bit of challenge i am facing with excel sheet these days i have a file that has a huge data records upto 800k rows of data and coulums upto"Z" i have only one sheet in this workbook and i saved it as .xlsb in order to reduce the file size i am using excel 2010 but still my file size is 21mb i created a pivot table but i copy the pivot table to another file.

I createed another file and i copied and pasted the pivot table from the original file to another new file but still after keeping only the pivot table linked to another file still the size of the file where i have pivot table only is 17mb and i share this file with many other people through email but since my file size is 17mb its not going through email.

Could anybody would suggest me a solution where i can reduce the file atleast 50% and can be shared through email.

Thanks and appriciate your expert solution in advance and many many thanks to all the members and experts who share the solutions.

Here are a few idea:

1. Get your IT people to increase the default maximum email size limit to 20MB

This has other consequences like your email mail boxes will quickly fill up

2. Have the Data file located on a central shared drive and have peoples Pivot tables reference the data from there

3. Convert the Data file to a Access or similar database and have it located on a central shared drive and have peoples Pivot tables reference the data from there

If your run MS-SQL you may want to upload the data there