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how to lock a sheet after half an hour in excel


New Member
Hi Chandoo Sir Ji,

I am new to this website so pls help me out....i want to apply a timer lock to my excel file....for eg- when a user opens the excel the time should start in a cell and after half an hour my file should lock itself and there would be no modifications to that file later on....this should be password protected, then only should allow any changes in the file.....

Good day arunvirsingh

Your "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAS!!!! is quite annoying and you posted the same here http://www.excelkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3534

If you cross post it is all ways better that you let all forums you have posted on know that you are cross posting so that members do not waste their time answering a question that has been answered on another forum.

A search in the top right box will help as this question has been asked before.
1. create macro to automatically lock the sheet.

- it would also be good to create a separate macro that will unlock the sheet

2. wait 30 minutes

3. Hit/run macro.

i keed, i keed!!!!

i cant help you (other than my above mentioned steps)
Hi, arunvirsingh!

First of all welcome to Chandoo's website Excel forums. Thank you for your joining us and glad to have you here.

As a starting point I'd recommend you to read the green sticky topics at this forums main page. There you'll find general guidelines about how this site and community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

Among them you're prompted to perform searches within this site before posting, because maybe your question had been answered yet.

Feel free to play with different keywords so as to be led thru a wide variety of articles and posts, and if you don't find anything that solves your problem or guides you towards a solution, you'll always be welcome back here. Tell us what you've done, consider uploading a sample file as recommended, and somebody surely will read your post and help you.

And about questions in general...

If you haven't performed yet the search herein, try going to the topmost right zone of this page (Custom Search), type the keywords used in Tags field when creating the topic or other proper words and press Search button. You'd retrieve many links from this website, like the following one(s) -if any posted below-, maybe you find useful information and even the solution. If not please advise so as people who read it could get back to you as soon as possible.

And about this question in particular...

Give a look at this file:


Hi, sda!

That was intended to be asked by the original poster but he didn't, maybe he didn't come back or he solved by himself... so here it goes: try with the not at all sympathetic string at his first post last sentence.

Hello Sir

Which version file is that, because when i open that file then i can't see any sheets in that file and when i open a new file then it's displaying the newly opened workbook only

i think there is some thing problem in my system so i downloaded the file from another system's also but i can't view the sheets for that file


Hi SP!

It should ask you password..

BTW.. password to open the file is

="H"&REPT("E",17)&"LP M"&REPT("E",16)&" PL"&REPT("E",18)&"ASE "&" !!!!!!!"




Thanks for your Quick response

if the file is protected then i didn't see any unprotect option in that file due to i didn't get any ribbon option in that file and the VB Option's to

i thinks the file is open with blank workbook, when i go to Option then i got only two option they are Open and New. When i Press the New then it's prompt for Blank workbook and create a new workbook

Hope you understand the problem or i can't understand you

so please elaborate me how to un protect the workbook


Good day sgmpatnaik

After you have put the password in go to the review tab an click on unprotect work sheet

it is the same password


Thanks for your Quick response

but i can't see the ribbon option from Home to Developer because they are disabled in that file and when i press the Alt + F11 then i can't see any thing in the Project Explorer, when i press the F4 - Properties every thing is blank

i tried all the setting as i know but i can't

if you download the file then please give me the file once again from your drop box link




The password for the file is the last phrase in the original post. If you're having problems to get prompted for the password, and considering the issue of the protected workbook schema of the other days, I'd suggest you to uninstall Office and make a clean new installation, just to avoid repairing it and that the actual issue were an option wrongly set up.

Good Day Sir

Thanks for your Feed Back

Sure i will do as per your instruction and intimate you

one more thing the same file i downloaded from my friends systems and there also i face the same problem

any how let me try this and it is a interesting and Experience subject for the readers who will face the problem like this type




Have you any add-in installed? Do you have any other complements or .xlam modules other from standard (ATPVBAEN.XLAM, EUROTOOL.XLAM, SOLVER.XLAM and FUNCRES.XLAM) opened by default? Do you use a macro personal workbook PERSONAL.XLSB?

If any, uninstall all, disable all, rename personal. Then try repairing Excel from Control Panel, Microsoft Office, Change.

If still with problems, then uninstall Office, reboot, install Office again with custom setup and choose all options for everything, and without doing anything more give a try to the problematic workbooks.

If worked fine, then after each time you add anything you'd try again with -for example- my protected workbook; if still fine, that thing could remains, if then wrong, don't use that thing, whatsoever it might be.

If it didn't work fine, well, you're in deep trouble. But take it easy, nothing that couldn't be solved with a couple of airplane tickets, a week voucher at a nice resort and a reasonable fee.

@ SirJB7,

I wish, my system should have this problem..

So that I can arrange Airplane Ticket, Week Voucher, and all other thing.. and I could fly to Argentina.. with my deep troubled desktop..


@Debraj Roy


I think you misinterpreted my words. The air tickets (2, not 1) were for me and +1 (companion/escort), not for the user. It's a matter of best service at customer site, so as to neither compromise nor perturb him with travels and such things.
