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How to jump on to a specific column directly ?


New Member
I have 100s of columns in a worksheet. The moment I open, I see only the first few columns on Worksheet. I know that Column with header Remuneration is located between 90 - 95. How to jump on to the column Remuneration?

Also Is there a shortcut to jump on to column CZ ?
Two methods that I can recommend, based on your need explained.
1. Name the column as "Remuneration". (one time activity).
Every time you wish to visit that, press F5 - which opens the Go-to menu, and select for "Remuneration" from the list.
2. Alternatively, if you don't wish to use the naming approach, you could still use F5 and enter, say CZ1, to jump to column CZ.

A similar option is also available through "Name box" - the small address box immediately to left of formula box.

Hi Kumar,
Adding to what Sudhir said above.

You can also use Hyperlink:
1) Insert a shape anywhere you want
2) Right Click on shape > Hyperlink
3) Place in this document
4) Type the cell reference: CZ1
5) Press OK

On second (and third!) thoughts, two more methods -
- If my guess is correct, the "100s of columns" are probably yadda-dadda data points, with actually calculated values in the target column far down the lane. You could use Grouping function - group together all the unnecessary columns - and it will smartly collapse behind the screen. You can click on the 'plus' or 'minus' sign to expand and collapse as and when required.

- on a similar note, it also sounds like a data design issue, if the column CZ is the 'results' column you are more regularly referring to, you might want to move the column up ahead in primary view or introduce another column which pulls data from CZ to show you in a "Summary view" up on the same sheet, or a different tab - say "Summary View" ?

untitled.JPG Here is another workaround, if you are comfortable with R1C1 Style referencing. Enter 95 after C will take you to column # 95.