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How To Hyperlink To Cells In Hidden Worksheet

Hi ,

If you can use Debug , in the Immediate window , can you type in :


and see what is displayed ?

The sheet name is the problem , and unless we know what is being used instead of DIN or ISO , there is no way we can proceed.

Guys.... I am using a very similar sheet. I am able to navigate away from the other worksheets. However, when back in home it doesn't seem to accept the links in the home worksheets.

Also those sheets identified in the code shared by Narayana aren't showing up under the 'unhide' list (on right clicking the home tab).
Guys.... I am using a very similar sheet. I am able to navigate away from the other worksheets. However, when back in home it doesn't seem to accept the links in the home worksheets.

Also those sheets identified in the code shared by Narayana aren't showing up under the 'unhide' list (on right clicking the home tab).
Hi ,

Can you upload your workbook ?

Hey thanks for your reply Narayan. It was an old thread, I was not sure if it's still active.
Please see the attached template. The final file is quite the same.

This is the code (copying from above) I used in the original file.

Private Sub Workbook_SheetDeactivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
If ((Sh.CodeName = "Sheet8") Or (Sh.CodeName = "Sheet13") Or (Sh.CodeName = "Sheet14") Or (Sh.CodeName = "Sheet16") Or (Sh.CodeName = "Sheet17") Or (Sh.CodeName = "Sheet12") Or (Sh.CodeName = "Sheet4")) Then
Sh.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
End If
End Sub

(*** CodeNames in attached file have been adjusted)

Sub TextBox_Click()
shtname = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).TextFrame.Characters.Text
With Worksheets("Home")
.Visible = xlSheetVisible
End With
End Sub

Also when I do this, the worksheets go 'hidden' but I can't find them to 'unhide' even after I removed the code completely.

Sorry ... I have just started introducing myself to VBA and will be doing a lot of work towards it in coming weeks.

Mighty appreciate your help.



  • Sample Metrics.xlsm
    28.3 KB · Views: 16
thank you my friend. Helps majorly.

I also understood the difference between xlhidden and xlveryhidden :), getting there.

This works.. I'll test it on the original file tomorrow morning.

However, for this to work I noticed tat the names in the text box needs to match the the worksheet name. Is it even referring t the hyperlink I created or simply searching the sheet with same name? Reading the code, I suspect the latter.
Hi ,

I deleted all the hyperlinks , since if the hyperlinks are in place , action will be taken by Excel on the hyperlinks , and the macro never gets executed.

The macro is needed to unhide the hidden worksheet.

The names have to match only because use is being made of the Application.Caller method , which tells the code which shape was clicked ; if use were not to be made of this , we will have to use a lookup table to match the shape name with the worksheet tab.

Is it possible control the access of certain button?
For e.g. all user only allow to access FCR and NPS, the rest of the buttons only admin can access?
Is it possible control the access of certain button?
For e.g. all user only allow to access FCR and NPS, the rest of the buttons only admin can access?
Hi ,

Please start a new thread for this question.

You can ensure that some controls are enabled / disabled through code ; this same code can then prompt the user to enter a password.

I am also trying to create an hyperlink to hidden sheet on the attached sheet. Can you help me please?


  • NG_Operations Staff List_Feb 2018.xlsm
    73.4 KB · Views: 5
Hi ,

See the attached file.

Hi Narayan

I think I caught the Oliver Twist bug...is it possible to create hyperlink to the other hidden cells? I notice I have a data for my drop down list in one of the hidden cells and this is no longer active on the Staff list worksheet. I want to create additional 2 hyperlinks. Pardon my for the bother.
Hi Sir
Could you plz help me?
I want your kind help again if you could.
I need some condition to solve through Excel e.g
1-I need to open two common sheet and hide other sheets
2-From common 2 sheet there has some red color cell which will be linked to hidden sheet. Not only the sheet even the cell which I want to go. So the the condition is clicking the red colored cell will open the targeted hidden sheet with the cells where I want to see.
3-When I come back the any of common two sheet, without those 2 sheets other sheets will be hidden automatically.
I have attached the images and Excel sheet. Please if you can solve the problem with that excel file.
a- Flow chart - GL 01 and Flow chart - GL 02 will not hidden and Scope of Improvement(GL-01), Scope of Improvement(GL-02), Work Ins. ( Color & Flavour) sheets will be hidden and will be linked Flow chart - GL 01 with Scope of Improvement(GL-01), Work Ins. ( Color & Flavour) Flow chart - GL 02 with Scope of Improvement(GL-02), Work Ins. ( Color & Flavour) as well
b-When linked cells will be clicked then will open the hidden excel sheets and the targeted cell (e.g D6:D10) which I want to go.
i.e. If I clicked glucose unloading drum from Flow chart - GL 01 will open Scope of Improvement(GL-01) sheet and respective cells e.g Glucose Unloading cell as well.
There I have indicated some cell by red color which need to be targeted and also be hidden other sheets automatically when I come back to any of Flow chart - GL 01 and Flow chart - GL 02 sheets.


  • Scope of improvement-Gum Line(1 & 2).xlsm
    302.5 KB · Views: 1
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