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How to highlight rows


New Member
How do i highlight a row using a check box when ticked and link bar chart to checkbox? Similar to jenni's new year resolution

Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

A check box will have a cell link lets use D1

D1 will be True when the check Box is Checked and false when it is not.

You can use Conditional formatting to set your rows Shading accordingly

Select the Rows

(lets assume you selected rows 10:15

Goto Conditional Formatting

Apply using a Formula

use a Formula


Set your format and apply
You can clear the True/false by moving onto the cell and press delete or Clear Contents

You don't attach Check Boxes or other controls directly to Charts

You can use them in association with the data for a chart series

in you chart series you can have something like

=if($D$1=True, a formula, other data )

If the control is True it will show your data or another set of data if false


=if($D$1=True, a formula, na() )

Here it will put your data if True or It will put #N/A errors instead of the data.

This allows you to hide the series