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How to highlight an entire line when selecting a cell using mouse or cursor?


New Member
When I mess around with a huge database I find it easier to have a highlighted the entire line that I am working on -when I select a cell to work on or moving the cursor - so as not to lose myself..

Is there any way to achieve that ? I have no thought on how to achieve this..

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

You can simply select the Number on the Left Heading (border) of the Excel window
Hui thank you for your quick reply but I had something else in mind.. when I select a single cell with the mouse, it would be perfect to have the entire line that the cell resides to change color like yellow or gray for as long I am working on it.. then if I go with the cursor two cells above, the highlighted line would change as well as I move along, or wherever I go within the worksheet..

Maybe it needs some VB code..

Check out this link
