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How to have a date return if two conditions are met


New Member
OK, working on a Excel workbook, in one cell I have todays date(E1). In another cell it will have either "NP" or "P"(J1).

Depending on the response put in J1 I need a return in J2.

What I need is that if "J1= NP" then "J2" = "E1+10"

or if "J1= P" then "J2" = "E1+3"

I do not want "E1" to update every time the workbook is opened.
Formula in J2 will be:


From your post, I'm not sure if you want E1 to always display the current date or if it's just a manual entry. If you want it to always be today's date, formula in E1 is:


Does that answer your question?
Ok, both answers worked great...thanks..one more question, I need to only use business days. I have been trying to use the nowadays formula but not sure how to use it. I used the second suggestion and not sure where to put the statement.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Excel 2007+ use:


Older Excel versions use: =WORKDAY(E1,IF(J1="NP",10,3))

You can also add Holidays using these functions

Refer to excel Help for the format
That works good , but I used the second formula. Here is what I have =if(h3="np"',a3+10,if(h3="pv",a3+3,""))......now where would I enter the formula...I tried several but always a nice little error...
If you always want a least some date:


If cell should be blank when H3 doesn't equal np or pv:
