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How to Find Minimum maximum values based on multiple criteras


Dear All,

Thanks for solving my previous problem regarding filteration of data...

My new query is how to find min and max value in a table based on conditions... the attached file contains the data as well as desired output http://sdrv.ms/U35g1K

I tried to search the forum for earlier posts... even i found one... but since the formula gives error, I'm lokking out some other solution.

Waiting for your help...

Thanks in advance...

Setup 2 named formula for the Item_Cat and Pack_Size columns on the Data sheet

in Output sheet:

=MIN(IF((Item_Cat=$B5)*(Pack_Size=$C5),Data!$D$3:$D$714)) [b] Ctrl+Shift+Enter

E5: =MAX(IF((Item_Cat=$B5)*(Pack_Size=$C5),Data!$D$3:$D$714))

Copy down
Dear Hui,

Thanks for helping so speedily..... I'd tried the similar formula... but couldnt make it.

Thanks a lot dear!
Hi, khelgadi!

I just followed Hui's indications (except I set a third named range Growth for 30% Growth column on Data worksheet and then copied the two array formulas to the output range... and it worked.

Give a look at this file:

