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How To Find Median For A Huge Data By Months


New Member

I've a huge data set with IDs & Spend by month & regions. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...hl=en_US#gid=0)

I would like to fill the table which is to the right of the big table, information related to each of the two regions by month. Is there a formula (subtotal/sumproduct, I'm guessing) that can give me the info I'm looking for?

Thanks much in advance!
So, sorry about that - I couldn't past the entire link here.

Here you go this time - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao7RzFobcTErdEJ1OTl2d0dWWEJxaW1CaGxQR0hzZ2c&hl=en_US

LMK if you need any further details!
The dates in H2 and I2 need to be corrected (inputted as 9th of month, not 2009, but I think this is the formula you want in H3:


Note that this is an array formula, and needs to be confirmed using Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

The only thing I see that gets tricky is making sure your dates are being compared correctly, but other than that it should be pretty straightforward.