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How to count Worksheets in Excel File.


New Member
I have created many Worksheets in my Excel and I'm totally unaware how many are actually there. Is there any option to know that how much worksheets has this file?

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Goto VBA, Alt F11

If you can see an Window titled Immediate

Click in it and type in

? worksheets.Count

? charts.Count

If you can't see an Immediate Window Ctrl G

Alt F11 back to Excel
There is a post at this site: http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/pub0009/lpmarticle.asp?id=315 that provides VBA code for obtaining the number of worksheets and each worksheets name. Scroll down to "Example 4" for the code.

Getting the worksheet's name could be really handy for switching between worksheets using the Address function.