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How to count records between 2 dates and a condition Part 2.


New Member
I found this formula on this site to count the number of closed items between two dates.



It does not work for me.

I have successfully counted items between two dates using:


Where b2:b10000 is a list of dates

A101-a113 are the starting dates of months 01/01/2011, 02/01/2011...upto 01/01/2012

Now I want to count the number of Closed items between two dates. So, I modified my formula to read:


This is based on the example I found on this site and the result is 0. Even though I know otherwise

Then I tried....


Which is based on another formula in which I counted rows based on many criteria.

Neither of these formulas will count the rows which fall between two dates and have the status of Closed.

What am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
Hi ,

I tried replicating your problem , but your formula :


gives the correct answer. Can you post some data from your worksheet , say 10 rows , which satisfy the above conditions ?


I'd check that the cells in C2:C11 actually contain "Closed" and don't contain leading or trailing spaces

Check the cell length =Len(C2) it should be 6 for a cell with "Closed"

Retype one of the Closed word in C2:C11 does that change the answer ?

What was the source of the Data?

Data copied from Foreign Language Word/Excel or Websites may look like "Closed" but in fact be other characters
Hanging my head in shame.....

Thanks for getting me to check the string of "Closed". There were no leading spaces, however I should have been looking for the string of "Close". Ugh.

I apologize for wasting your time, yet, am thankful for the help I received.