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How to Count number of times different data listed


New Member

I have a spreadsheet that shows the number of items received from each vendor broken down by month/day. I am trying to get a count of how many times each vendor shows product received. I would like to get a count for each vendor showing the number of times they are listed, so if vendor 0173 has 10 entries, vendor 0210 has five etc.

example data

vendor Del Month Day Year

0173 4 17 2010

0173 4 23 2010

0210 4 15 2010

0212 4 05 2010

0212 4 10 2010

so result would be 0173 2

0210 1

0212 2

I have used count but for only one vendor at a time, looking for a better way.

Assuming your data is in A1:D6 you could use

and your list of Vendors is in A10:A12

in B10 =COUNTIF($A$2:$A$6,A10)

and copy down
wow! The most straighforward question ever:)


Sum, sumif, count, countif, are probably some of the most important formulas you can pick up. If you're in an 07 environment add sumifs and countifs to the list. They allow for multiple sum conditions. If you're in an 03 environment, it's either sumproduct or learn.....the concatenate function.