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how to count cell that meet conditional formating



I have a problem in a spreadsheet where there is data in cell A1 to Q7000 and I have some error in some cells and colored it with the help of conditional formatting. Now I want to count the cell that contains error. In short I want to count cells that meet the condition in a range of cells with the conditional formatting.

I am not good at VBA so would appreciate if I could get it through formula.


To count based on a single condition in Excel use the COUNTIF()formula. To count based on multiple conditions use COUNTIFS() (Excel 2007 onwards).

NB The formula will not count based on the fact that the cells have conditional formatting applied but based on the values within the cells.

If you apply the same conditions in the conditional formatting and in the COUNTIFS() formula the two will obviously then match.

Below is a post from Chandoo on COUNTIF():

To elabourate slightly, if you use a helper column countaining the ISERROR() formula (which returns TRUE if the cell contains an error) you can then use the COUNTIF() formula to count the cells containing TRUE.