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How to clean up a list of names. [SOLVED]

Hello friends of chandoo.org & here's my Q.

How do I clean up a list of names?

Sometimes there is only one name, which I know how to fix.

But sometimes there are multiple names. This is the recipient field from a long list of emails.

Entries are in this form:

Angie Klare <AKlare@media.com>

Terra Harbaugh <THarbaugh@media.com>; Chelsea Smith <CSmith@media.com>

Terra Harbaugh <THarbaugh@media.com>

. . . should become

Angie Klare

Terra Harbaugh; Chelsea Smith

Terra Harbaugh

Any way to handle these with a single function, or just a couple steps (involving T2C, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.

Hi James Perry,

Is this data present in a single coulumn and are there more then two email ids in one cell?

Hi James ,

You can use T2C provided you replace one of the delimiters "<" or ">" by the other , so that your list has only one delimiter , either "<" or ">".

After this step , use T2C , and skip all the columns delimited by the "<" or ">" characters.

As a last step , concatenate the text from all the columns.

Hi James,

Here's a solution for the example given...so I assume no more than two email address's. It's rather a long formula but it does work, I'm sure someone could come up with a shorter one maybe?

=IFERROR(REPLACE(REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,""),FIND(" <",REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,""),FIND(";",REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,""))),FIND(">",REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,""),FIND(" <",REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,""),FIND(";",REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,""))))-FIND(" <",REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,""),FIND(";",REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,"")))+1,""),REPLACE(A1,FIND(" <",A1),FIND(">",A1)-FIND(" <",A1)+1,""))
Good day oldchippy

The contest for the longest FIND/REPLACE formula was closed some time ago......but you would have won it by a mile :)
Hi James ,

One more alternative ; check the file here :


@oldchippy, b(ut)ob(ut)hc


I knew it could be done... here's a longer formula:



2112 vs. 619 of oldchippy :p

Good evening SirJB7

It is obvious from the look of your code you have had one or two Carlsbergs....but I am sure it will all merge together through the bottom of a malt glass

Hi, my friend!

Good afternoon.

Did you say one? That word shouldn't be used as quantitative adjective in the same sentence where Carslberg is...

Hello James,

One more approach:

Assuming your source string is in A1, Put the following formula in cell B1, and copy to the right to C1, D1, etc. till you get a clean string

=IFERROR(TRIM(REPLACE(A1, FIND("<", A1), FIND(">", A1)-FIND("<", A1)+1, "")), TRIM(A1))

This approach should work even if you have more than two e-mail addresses.




SirJB7: That is clearly the longest string of any kind (formula or otherwise) that I have ever seen!!
this formula will handle any length, and will split each email address out into a separate column. Assuming your string is in A2, enter this into B2 and drag across.:

=IFERROR(MID($A2,FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE("; "&$A2,"; ","|",COLUMNS($B:B))),FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE($A2," <","|",COLUMNS($B:B)))-FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE("; "&$A2,"; ","|",COLUMNS($B:B)))),"")
And this User Defined Function is what i would actually use. It will do exactly what you asked, i.e. strip out the email addresses, and leave everything else in one column.

Put this in a code module in the workbook, and call it from the workbook like so:


Public Function CleanEmail(sTarget As String)
Dim lCount As Long
Dim sReplace As String
For lCount = 1 To UBound(Split(sTarget, "<"))
sTarget = Replace(sTarget, Mid(sTarget, InStr(sTarget, "<"), 1 + InStr(sTarget, ">") - InStr(sTarget, "<")), "")
Next lCount

CleanEmail = sTarget
End Function
here's a generic User Defined Function, that can be re-used using other delimiters.

You call it like this:

=StripText(String, Opening_Delimiter, Closing_Delimiter)

...which for the above example would be like this:


Public Function StripText(sTarget As String, sOpening_Delimiter As String, sClosing_Delimiter As String) As String
Dim lCount As Long

For lCount = 1 To UBound(Split(sTarget, sOpening_Delimiter))
sTarget = Replace(sTarget, Mid(sTarget, InStr(sTarget, sOpening_Delimiter), 1 + InStr(sTarget, sClosing_Delimiter) - InStr(sTarget, sOpening_Delimiter)), "")
Next lCount

StripText = sTarget
End Function


I haven't checked it before but it beats oldchippy's previous record:



PS: I need two more (not one!)... Carlsbergs...
Hi Pablo,

2112 x $0.10/Character = $211 / $2 per Can of Carlsberg = 105 Cans approximately :D

Thank you all!!! :)

I think it would be easier to just replace the email addresses with a blank.

Here's how i did it. ( Keeping it simple.)

1. Press Ctrl+H.

2. Notice that the email addresses has this pattern, <email@address.com>.

3. In the "Find What" field, enter <*>

4. Leave the "Replace with" field as it is, i.e. blank

5. Click on "Replace All"

6. Make sure that the "Match entire cell contents" is unchecked.

Thank u guys & stay blessed.

Hi James,

Just one thing to bear in mind is that when you do your FIND/REPLACE include a space before <*> or else it with leave a space at the end of the name - it may not matter but I just thought I'd mention it.