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How to check number of decimals [SOLVED]


New Member

In one of the load templates we require the user to enter quantity in lbs in one of the column, and the user need to enter the value only upto 3 decimal points.

We could have sent the template with input restrictions through data validations, but apparently we did not. Now how do i check whether there are entries in the column that have more than 3 places of decimal ?

that is an entry like 9999.999, 1.123 are ok, but 1.1234, 999.9991 is NOT ok.

Hope my question was clear..

Thanks in advance
Hi Manjunath,

I will share what I just tried.

Suppose your value is in Cell A1.

Then the formula will be


This will give you the number of how many decimals you have.

This will work if the values are in decimal.
Thanks, it works, I can use the result value (if >3) for conditional formatting...

But has a minor problem, If the value in A1 is a whole number (no decimals) as you have pointed out, it returns #N/A, i could use 'iferror' to get rid of it, though.

meanwhile i was using this formula

=(A1*1000)-INT(A1*1000) > 0

and the result would be more than ZERO, if the number in A1 had a 4th decimal

Thanks for the response..