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How to catch the result in a variable?


New Member
Hi All,

I want to catch the ID comming from the sqlTable like this but i am not succeeded


ColA = shtSheetToWork.Cells(lRow, 1)

ColB = shtSheetToWork.Cells(lRow, 2)



SQLSelect = "select ID from Test where Country= ' " & ColA & " ' and Name=' " & ColB & " ' and Month=' " & SplitMonth& " ' and Year=' " & SplitYear & " ' "

Cn.Execute SQLSelect


Here how can i catch the result in a variable.

Please help me to achieve this.


Hello Ravikumar,

Make use of the RecordSet Object here.

Instead of directly executing your SQL statement by calling Cn.Execute.

Open a RecordSet and pass the SQL as the Source.

Dim rs as New ADODB.RecordSet -If you can afford Early Binding

Dim rs as Adodb.RecordSet - If late binding will work for you

In late binding case

Set Rs = New ADODB.RecordSet

Rs.Open SQLSelect,Cn

Now you can read the record from your recordset and store it into a variable.

If you need more help let us know.
