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How to ask the user How many line items? and automatically create/insert rows


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have made a protected template for an invoice coversheet for my co-workers to use to generate invoices. However, you need to manually insert rows for each line item.

It starts with three pre-formatted line item rows available and I have removed protection from those three rows so that one can highlight the row(s), insert x rows, highlight the top row, then drag down the format to the new rows. The three pre-made rows are rows 26-28. There is a SUM formula in merged cell V29:Z29 that sums dollars in merged cells above it: =SUM(W26:Z28).

What I am hoping to find out is if there is a way that I can have another user (an excel beginner) have an easy way to do this (i.e. a macro or an insert row formula). This was never a big issue until we had a new person come in that can't seem to retain the coaching I give every time. Nice guy, but lacks an excel mindset. So if anyone knows how to create a button (or something similar) where all he has to to is click the button, excel will ask him, "How many line items?", he can type "7" and it will create/insert a total of 7 pre formated rows starting at row 26 but still retaining the sum formula below all of the line items.

Any thoughts?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the forums!

Here's a short macro that might get you started:

Sub InsertRows()

Dim UserChoice As Integer

Dim NewRows As Integer

'Ask for input

On Error Resume Next


UserChoice = InputBox("How many rows would you like to add?", "Insert Rows")

Loop Until UserChoice > 0

On Error GoTo 0

NewRows = 26 + UserChoice


Rows("27:" & NewRows).Insert Shift:=xlDown

Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub