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How select same value in multiple pivot tables?


New Member
Suppose i have 10 pivot table reports.

every month i need to select country field (for example) via drop down menu of pivot tables to generate different reports.

is there any way through which i select the country from single drop down list and all the 10 pivot tables automatically select that country in one go?

thanks in advance

There is no built in way in Pivot Tables to do what you want

You could easily setup a macro to get a value from a Cell and then use that for all the Pivot Tables.

something like the following


Sub Pivot_Field()

PLookup = Range("A1").Value


ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Year").CurrentPage = PLookup


ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Year").CurrentPage = PLookup


End Sub


Change the field name from Year to suit.

Two more ideas:

1. You could also, pre-select your data.

Instead of having all your Pivot tables, based on your data directly,

have them based on a Temporary Data Area, which already has the selection criteria applied.

Change the selection criteria and update the pivot tables, It would require use of named dynamic named areas and could easily be automated to update pivot tables

2. Base the pivot tables on a Table of Data and Use Table Selection criteria to pre-select the data