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How I can use specific row in bottom of all page

You can't easily

You can use some VBA to setup a Footer automatically

Sub Set_Footer()
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = Range("A1").Text
.CenterHeader = Range("B1").Text
.RightHeader = Range("C1").Text
End With
End Sub
You can't easily

You can use some VBA to setup a Footer automatically

Sub Set_Footer()
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = Range("A1").Text
.CenterHeader = Range("B1").Text
.RightHeader = Range("C1").Text
End With
End Sub
Thanks for reply. How I use it.
Goto VBA (Alt+F11)
Find the Worksheet that you want it to apply to and select it
Copy/paste the code into the right hand pane
Return to the worksheet (Alt+F11)

Run it by using Alt+F8
select the macro Set_Footer

You can obviously change the references in the macro to suit your file

You now have to save the file as a Macro Enabled workbook *.xlsm
Goto VBA (Alt+F11)
Find the Worksheet that you want it to apply to and select it
Copy/paste the code into the right hand pane
Return to the worksheet (Alt+F11)

Run it by using Alt+F8
select the macro Set_Footer

You can obviously change the references in the macro to suit your file

You now have to save the file as a Macro Enabled workbook *.xlsm

Please check the attached file. See below the file What I want to do.


  • Footer.xlsx
    29.3 KB · Views: 2
The code above worked as I explained
You will need to add a cell that joins the text together and includes Carriage returns
see attached file

Note the cells at M1:O6
Only change the yellow cells
Press Update when happy


  • Footer-1.xlsm
    37.5 KB · Views: 3