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How find duplicate values ?


New Member
I have a number list in Col A which has some duplicate values. I used =COUNTIF(A1:A46,MODE(A1:A46)) for verifying duplicate values.

now i want to all duplicate values in col B, so pls suggest me is this possible ??

if yes then how ?

I'm not sure 100% if I understand what your after, but should be several things you can do.

To simplify make a named range called list for your A1:a46

In B2

Distinct List (A list containing no duplicates)


Enter as array


Unique List (The ones in the list which have no duplicates at all)

=IFERROR(INDEX(List, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($C$1:C1, List)+(COUNTIF(List, List)<>1), 0)),"")

enter as array


and I think this may be what your asking for, you can tweak this to show the ones which do have duplicates, I think this should work:

=IFERROR(INDEX(List, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D$1:D1, List)+(COUNTIF(List, List)=1), 0)),"")

again enter as array

The unique/not unique ones will bring back 0 when a blank is in the list, the original factors it in
sorry to say, but sir i am vary poor in using array formulas, so pls suggest me how i use the third formula, i can't understand why this formula contains Col D and cell $D$1 while my list is in A1:A46 and i want it in Col B, don't mind but kindly suggest me .....
Apologies, when I was trying them out I had them in columns B, C and D respectively

if you put the following in B2 it should work

=IFERROR(INDEX(List, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1, List)+(COUNTIF(List, List)=1), 0)),"")

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