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How do we change Sheet Name without using VB?... Might be very basic Solution...


Respected All... I'm stuck wid this basic prob and couldnt find better place than this...

I have data table each for year 2012 and 2013. The Columns are same and on the summary sheet I want to plot graph. Considering number of reports (30+) and large tables the file size is big and i dont want to use ' if' command for each report.

Also this file may be used in future as well, so whenever i insert sheet for coming years 14,15... those shall be accessible.

How can i use a drop box for selecting the year (2012/ 2013 ) and it will use the sheet i need to refer accordingly for all the report?

Waiting for your help. Thanks.

A few suggestions

Setup a data table and don't restrict it to years.

That is just keep adding data to it

This way it simplifies reporting and also allows reporting of trends across years which is more difficult if each set of data is on a different worksheet

You can use the Indirect() function to make a valid address from Text which may be linked to a Drop Down box etc

Dropdown Boxes may either be a data validation or a User Form Combo Box.

Either can be used for data entry and linked to a report

Search for those keywords in the Google Custom Search box Top Right of this page
Hi, khelgadi!

Regarding strictly the title topic, you can always click with the alternative button of the mouse on the sheet name tab at the bottom of the screen and choose the Rename option :)

@ Hui: Thanks a lot... I thought of using the same way initially. Can we use Named Range for the same? if yes how? I've never used 'Indirect()' function yet... Will try and get Back... Thanks again.

@ SirJB7 : Wow! And I always thought that you people are master at Excel only! I'm a great fan of you.. Thanks for reply.

@ Chandoo.org: This site rocks man!
Thanks Oldchippy!

Any other sample file on chandoo.org which demonstrates use of Indirect() function... to select sheet name?
Good day Khelgadi

This link will take you to many INDIRECT examples including an example for your last post.
