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How do I set Chart Titles all to the same font size in VBA



How do I via a VBA program set all titles on charts in various worksheet to the same size and font ?


ok. jb7 usually answers first..... he is on a roll this week !!!

Try the following VBA Code


Sub Set_Chart_Titles()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ch As ChartObject

Dim Fnt As String
Dim FntSz As Double
Dim FntR As Integer
Dim FntG As Integer
Dim FntB As Integer

Fnt = "Arial" 'Set Font type
FntSz = 18 'Set Font Size
FntR = 25 'Set Font Color Red
FntG = 100 'Set Font Color Green
FntB = 50 'Set Font Color Blue

For Each ws In Worksheets
For Each ch In ws.ChartObjects

Selection.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Name = Fnt
Selection.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = FntSz
With Selection.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Fill
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(FntR, FntG, FntB)
.Transparency = 0
End With
Next ch
Next ws

End Sub

This has been adapted to keep the formula's I would like to also set the font size of the charts axis to 8 and the titles to 14.

Can you advise please ?

Sub ChartTitlesLight()

Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim ch As ChartObject

For Each ws In Worksheets

For Each ch In ws.ChartObjects



ActiveChart.ChartStyle = 18


Next ch

Next ws

'Font Size and Colour in Charts

'Dim ws As Worksheet

'Dim ch As ChartObject

Dim Fnt As String

Dim FntSz As Double

Dim FntR As Integer

Dim FntG As Integer

Dim FntB As Integer

Fnt = "Rockwell (Body)" 'Set Font type

FntSz = 14 'Set Font Size

'Black Text

FntR = 0 'Set Font Color Red

FntG = 0 'Set Font Color Green

FntB = 0 'Set Font Color Blue

For Each ws In Worksheets

For Each ch In ws.ChartObjects



With Selection.Font.Name = Fnt

Selection.Font.Size = FntSz

Selection.Font.Color = RGB(FntR, FntG, FntB)

End With

Next ch

Next ws

End Sub
Hi, ianb!

Give a look at this file:


I just created a new workbook, added silly tables in each of three worksheets, inserted more silly charts for each table, then I created a new module from the VBA editor, copied and pasted Hui's code, and run the macro.

The result? What you were asking for and what Hui's posted 2 months ago at the top of this topic.

If your new question is a continuation of the above post:

I didn't check your last code, but if it's an update of some other code and doesn't work, I'd humbly suggest you to stick to the above Hui's code which in fact works, and then with the old method of try&error slowly advance one step at a time, so as to not get involved with code that you wouldn't be able to handle.

If it isn't:

Then start a new topic as indicated in the green sticky topics at this forums home page.

Thanks. It is a great program and had to be edited to keep the formula is the title option.

The part I can not solve is how if I set

FntSz = 14 'Set Font Size

does the title set to 14 size and the lower part of the chart x and y axis is set to 10 automatically.

I would like the lower part to be set to 8 not 10 ?
Hi, ianb!

As you stated firstly and at topic's title, and as Hui's posted, this code works only for titles. I don't remember exactly the names of the properties for other parts of the chart, but there's nothing than couldn't be found into built-in Excel help.

Do you think you can handle that search and manage to update the above code? If yes, then give a try; if not, well, you'll have to wait a little until somebody that remember that read this and answer or that I found a little of time to dig into things that I don't like of Excel, like charts.

Hi Ian ,

You can try including this code in your existing procedure ; I have put all the elements of the code together , but when you include this in your procedure , you can put the different elements ( such as the declarations , assignments and the code proper ) in their correct places within your procedure.

Dim typelist As Variant, mr As Variant
Dim ct As Integer

typelist = Array(xl3DPie, xl3DPieExploded, xlPie, xlPieExploded, xlPieOfPie)

ct = ch.Chart.ChartType
On Error Resume Next
mr = Null
mr = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ct, typelist, 0)
On Error GoTo 0

If IsNull(mr) Then
ch.Chart.Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Font.Size = 8
End If
If you want the same action to take place for the value axis also , add one more statement within the IF statement :

ch.Chart.Axes(xlValues).TickLabels.Font.Size = 8

Thanks for this I need to have aplay aroudn with this one. Initially it does the row and not the column of the charts and also does not do the data boxes so further investigation may be needed on my part.... many thanks. I can work with this.
