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How do I respond to forum post made by a responder?

I've made some posts over the last few days and want to know how I can respond directly to the person(s) that responded.

For instance, Hui responded to a post that I made yesterday. I added some additional q's, based on his response, to his post but not sure whether Hui actually receives the post or any notification.

In general, if I respond to a post is anyone notified?
Don't respond directly, keep it in the thread. Your questions or further information may be relevant to other viewers/responders.

If you do it within the thread, anyone would be hard-pressed too be offended, that is what it is all about. It is not always possible for the OP to fully explain their requirement first time, answers or questions from a responder may need a further clarification by the OP. Similarly, the responder may misunderstand, so his misunderstanding might need clarification from the OP.
The Chandoo.org forums don't have a private messaging system as some other systems do

Rest assured Ninja's read all posts, or else Chandoo whips us! (only Joking)

If it is more important my email is at the Bottom of the page when you select Ninja to the left of this post.