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How do I post my code in the forum in same format as is apprears on VBA


New Member
Hello all,

This is probably a very simple question but many times I have posted code and i loose all the formatting.

How do I keep the VBA format when posting here?


Please use backticks to wrap the code around.


(backtick) Here is my code (backtick)

Now replace (backtick) with brackets that is with ` character. When you are replying, just below your reply box it will tell you about allowed markup.
Thanks Shri,

`With ActiveCell

.ListObject.ListRows.Add (Ro - Header_Row + 2)

.Offset(Ro).EntireRow.Hidden = False

End With

End With `
With ActiveCell

[code].ListObject.ListRows.Add (Ro - Header_Row + 2)

[code].Offset(Ro).EntireRow.Hidden = False

End With[/code]

End With[/code]
Dim Ro As Long

`   With ActiveSheet

`       Ro = .Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row

`        .Cells(1, 1).Offset(Ro).Select


`        'ListObject.ListRow referes to the table within the worksheet,

'therfore needs to be offset to change the row numbers so they match up with
the table

` '(Ro - Header_Row + 2) does this.


` With ActiveCell

` .ListObject.ListRows.Add (Ro - Header_Row + 2)

` .Offset(Ro).EntireRow.Hidden = False

` End With

` End With
Dim Ro As Long

[code]With ActiveSheet

[code]Ro = .Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row

[code].Cells(1, 1).Offset(Ro).Select


[code]'ListObject.ListRow refers to the table within the worksheet,

[code]'therefore needs to be offset to change the row numbers so they match up with [code]the table

'(Ro - Header_Row + 2) does this.[/code]


With ActiveCell[/code]

.ListObject.ListRows.Add (Ro - Header_Row + 2)[/code]

.Offset(Ro).EntireRow.Hidden = False[/code]

End With[/code]

End With[/code]
Hi ,

You need not put the backticks before and after each line of code ; just one backtick before the D of Dim , and one after the h of the second With is enough.

check this one..



Its changing the Font but not keeping the Indent...

I am puting ` before and after each line of code but it only changes the font. What am I doing wrong?
Dim Ro As Long
With ActiveSheet
Ro = .Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row
.Cells(1, 1).Offset(Ro).Select

'ListObject.ListRow refers to the table within the worksheet,
'therefore needs to be offset to change the row numbers so they match up with the table
'(Ro - Header_Row + 2) does this.

With ActiveCell
.ListObject.ListRows.Add (Ro - Header_Row + 2)
.Offset(Ro).EntireRow.Hidden = False
End With
End With