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How do I move to bottom of data results?

Joe Egan

New Member
Here we go.

I have Cells with formulas referring to a table. Let's say A3:F23

The first X rows display a number where it has found it in the Table. Let's say A3:F10
The remaining rows (A11:F23) do not display anything (although there are formulas there)
I want to print to the first X rows (A3:F10) only - not to the bottom of where the formulas exist.

If I press END+Home it goes to the bottom of the formulas (F23) not to the bottom of X rows (F10).

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Do you mean with a Key Strokes / Mouse or via VBA ?
Thanks for getting back to me Hui and thanks for your welcome,

I want to assign a Macro to a button to enable me to select the range each time. This report has over 50 repetitions of selecting the appropriate range to print.

I guess it would ultimately need to be VBA.

Thanks again

The solution may depend on what type of data the range has

But something like this should work

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Range("A:A")
Debug.Print rng.Find("0").Row

If you get stuck please post a sample file with example data and formula