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How do I find pixel size of a range

Ulrik Willemoes

New Member
Is there an easy way of obtaining information on the pixel size of a range (say width and height of the area A1:B2 or a defined print area)?

Can it be done by means of a formula or does one need to resort to VBA?

Draw a Rectangle on your worksheet, snapping it to the area you want to query with the Alt Drag method

Name it "Rectangle 1"

Copy the following code into a Macro Module

Then execute the macro ShpSize

Sub ShpSize()

Obj = "Rectangle 1"

Top = "Top = " + Str(Selection.ShapeRange.Top)
MsgBox Top

ShpHeight = Selection.ShapeRange.Top + Selection.ShapeRange.Height
Bottom = "Bottom = " + Str(ShpHeight)
MsgBox Bottom

Top = "Left = " + Str(Selection.ShapeRange.Left)
MsgBox Top

ShpWidth = Selection.ShapeRange.Left + Selection.ShapeRange.Width
TRight = "Right = " + Str(ShpWidth)
MsgBox TRight

End Sub