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How do I change the dollar sign ($) to euro (€)?


New Member
I need the experts in the house help.

First question:

I am using Chandoo Project-Portifolio-Dashboard. I would like to change the dollar sign ($) to euro (€) so that on the dashboard view it is visible in euro instead of dollar.

Second question:

Chandoo Project-Portifolio-Dashboard budget is formatted for million plus budget. Due to this when a budget is entered less than a million, it's still shows ",," and "mn". Example: $190000,,0 mn or in the case of project it shows: $ 5000,k. If both questions are resolved it should normally show as follows: €190000,00 k or in the case of project it should show: €5000 k
@Knockiiing.... Can you email me. We have a special template that allows you to set different currency (without changing all formulas and formats).