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how do I automatically add a new formatted row


New Member
how do I automatically add a new formatted row when I hit enter to finish the original row

here's the row I want duplicate


I'll have another question as soon as I understand this one :)

Sounds like you might be wanting to use a Table. Select your data, and hit Ctrl+L to convert your data to a table. After that, whenever you create a new line, all your formulas/formats will be copied downward.
Good day Ray

In your example select A2:I2 select the small black box bottom right I2 and drag down.

Or convert to a table and that way when you get to your last row of the table hit tab a new row will be inserted with any formulas from above rows
Converting to a table looks like the right way to go, how do I keep the existing

=SUM(G2)*(H2), I convert it but it stops adding after I do that


Not sure what you mean it stops adding as you are Multiplying, I used your sample in both of the methods I mention and your formula still works

Sorry Luke did not intend to repeat, you type a bit faster than me :)
Thanks! now my big question..

I estimate flooring, I need to estimate for insurance companys one room at a time,

How would I get it to summarize seperating labour from product (Pst & Gst) and then sub total it

then start the whole procedure again with the next room on the same excel sheet?

below is an example of what I would need to summarize and then continue with the next room


Thanks BIG time!!

Hi, Im not to sure what some of your cells mean but if your cost rates are the same for each room, eg labour etc, I would change the layout of your table to something like this. Some of these columns you may wish to delete, i dont know what they are all for but you will get the idea. If the cost rates are static then they can go in a table of their own. ps i use excel 2003.

Good day Ray

If you start a new question in an old unrelated post you will not get the help you could by starting a new post with a clear header.

Many who have viewed or helped you in the original post will not revisit as they have done all they can and do not see any reason to revisit.

New question equals new post equals better help.......but no disrespect to Lymm intended