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How can we make the sheet simpler, more user-friendly, and capable of auto-populating scoring methods? Any suggestions or solutions appreciated!


New Member
Our company uses this Excel sheet to rate performance and set up goals. I'm looking for help to simplify this sheet for the managers. The scoring method should remain 1-5, whether for quality or quantity. The first tab includes the goals and scoring methods. We have quarterly check-ins, and the end-of-year snapshot is currently much more complicated.

I am seeking a way to automate the goal-setting process for managers, allowing them to easily edit the goals. Any suggestions or solutions to make this process more efficient would be greatly appreciated. every job bucket has a different goal for example hr manager goals will look alot different than a sales person goal but if there is a way to populate it for the SMART Goal method that would be nice.


  • goals Check-In Annual Review Workbook.xlsx
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