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How Can we enable to Select multiple Value's from the List Box

Hi There,

I Have An combo box in which i have 9 Values , Currently i am able to select only one value in the Drop list , i want to know if we can Select more than one value.

In detail: if i select Value " a " from list , next i should be able to select B as well, and list should show both values . it this possible.

Also once value is selected , i am still able to typ in the list box which i need disable how do i do that.

Please help
Good day

If you want to show more than one value then why not just extend your data validation list to include the extra values...a,b,c,d,e,f....aa.ab.ac.ad, etc etc.

If you can type in to your drop down box then there is some thing wrong with the data validation.

the Value are not selected through List in DATA Validation, it by macro i am adding them to the Combobox list .so that the user cann select the value . but now i want the user to able to select the more than one value from the list.

Here I must bow out,I am familiar with Data validation drop downs but not macros,....may be wrong but I would have thought that even with macros you would have to list the data for choice some where.
Hi, Raghava@rock!

Drop down list for Data Validation set to List only lets you to select one value.

If you add a drop down list control from the Programmer tab, Controls group, Insert, you have two choices: form controls and ActiveX controls.

For the first ones, right button, Control Format (last option), Control, Selection Type, and then choose Multiple or Extended.

For the second ones, right button, Properties, Multiselect, and then choose 1-fmMultiSelectMult or 2-fmMultiSelectExtended.
