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How can I get the mean and SD with midpoint and relative frequency?


New Member
For example:

Age Group Percentage

0-24 34.0%

25-34 13.1%

35-44 13.9%

45-54 14.5%

55-64 11.2%

65-74 7.1%

75+ 6.3%

Assume the midpoint of 75+ group is 81

The mean and SD of what?

Also, I looked at your posts and I have to ask if you are taking a statistics class? :)
Assuming you have the midpoint actually calcualted/displayed somewhere (I'll assume in col C), the mean would be:


To get the SD, need to do a little prep work. In D2:


Copy this down to C8. Then, in C10, your SD is:

Hi Luke M,

I do not understand that why using formula (C2-C10)^2*B2 and SQRT(SUM(D2:D8)/99) respevtively?

Hi, snow!

The detailed explanation goes beyond Excel scope, it's just a matter or probability theory. Check this in wikipedia, it's a little hard but it's complete:


I looked up the definition for STDEV within the XL help file, which is:


The first formula:


Take care of figuring out all the parts for the summation in the numerator. Then I plug it into:


To solve. Note that I manually did the n-1 (aka, 100 - 1) to get 99.