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How can I dynamically graph from multiple data tables according to user selectio


New Member

I have been trying to create a graph that will allow me to graph any particular table from upto ten tables. I have really nice individual line graphs but would love to be able to know how I can automate this.

So, I have;

[1] 10 data tables

[2] each table has 2 columns and 36 rows

[3] column-1 is ddd/mm

[4] column-2 is a 3 digit number

I've been trying to learn offset, index, match functions and named ranges which I believe should be able to accomplish the task but I am failing miserably (fairly new to excel)


Is anybody able to give me some guidence, it would be much appreciated.


The problem (I think) you are having is that you have 10 data tables, which I assume are on different sheets.

in this case, you need a way to select the table where you looking for the information. one of the best ways to do this is by using the INDIRECT(...) function.

e.g. INDIRECT("sheet1!A1:B36") or if you have a drop down box with each sheet name in cell a1 you could use: INDIRECT($a$1&"!A1:B36") or using named range INDIRECT($A$1) if A1 contains a list of named ranges.

Then you can embed this in your index/offset functions as required.
Thanks Stemelliott

This will show my level of knowledge, all the data tables are on one sheet so I thought it would be nice and easy but I just have not got my head around the concepts yet.

Having said that, I am going to push on again but this time using the indirect function as well.

Thanks for the link too, will visit that first.
